Results for 'Tahl I. Frenkel'

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  1.  27
    Individual differences in perceptual sensitivity and response bias in anxiety: Evidence from emotional faces.Tahl I. Frenkel, Dominique Lamy, Daniel Algom & Yair Bar-Haim - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (4):688-700.
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    Business of Identity: Jews, Muslims, and Economic Life in Medieval Egypt. By Phillip I. Ackerman-Lieberman.Miriam Frenkel - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (3).
    The Business of Identity: Jews, Muslims, and Economic Life in Medieval Egypt. By Phillip I. Ackerman-Lieberman. Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Cultures. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2014. Pp. xvi + 446. $65.
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    Pleasure as genre: popular fiction, South African chick-lit and Nthikeng Mohlele's Pleasure.Ronit Frenkel - 2019 - Feminist Theory 20 (2):171-184.
    The success of popular women's fiction requires a mode of analysis that is able to reveal the patterns across this category in order to better understand the appeal of these books. Popular fiction, like chick-lit, can be contradictorily framed as simultaneously constituting one, as well as many genres, if a genre is the codification of discursive properties. It may consist of romances, thrillers, romantic suspense and so forth in terms of its discursive properties, but popular women's fiction will also have (...)
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    Hyperdimensional Neutral Monism: A Dimensional Approach to the Mind–Body Problem.Jason Frenkel - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (1):149-184.
    This article introduces the concept of ‘hyperdimensional neutral monism’ as an elaboration and exploration of neutral monism. Neutral monism states that there is a single type of neutral, ontologically primary ultimate, which both the physical and the mental supervene on (Banks Philosophical Psychology, 23(2), 173-187, 2010). Hyperdimensional neutral monism (HNM) states that these ultimates exist in a more-than-4-dimensional realm and that the physical world of spacetime is a 4-dimensional aspect of this realm. Consciousness is the localized protrusion of spacetime into (...)
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    La Exagogé de Ezequiel y su influjo en la tragedia bizantina: Parte I.Diana Frenkel - 2015 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 19 (1):3-42.
    En el marco de un estudio sobre la evolución del género trágico desde el siglo IV a.C. hasta Bizancio, nos detenemos en la Exagogé de Ezequiel para proponer un texto y una versión castellana, a la vez que en el comentario destacamos los rasgos que la hacen pertenecer a dicho género y su valor como antecedente de piezas bizantinas. In the context of a study on the evolution of the tragic genre from the IV century B.C. to Byzantium, we stop (...)
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    (1 other version)The israeli approach to advertising: Ethical and legal norms.David A. Frenkel & Yotam Lurie - 2001 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 10 (3):248–256.
    The Israeli approach to advertising consists of two complementary sets of norms, legal norms and moral‐ethical norms. Advertising legislation demands honest disclosure. The Israeli legislator refrains from intervening in fundamental rights such as freedom of expression, free trade, occupation, and liberty of contract in advertising. However, there are also few interventions to prevent phenomena that are dangerous or abusive, especially to groups needing protection. The Israeli courts do try to apply moral considerations in cases tried by them, but living up (...)
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    Law and medical ethics.D. A. Frenkel - 1979 - Journal of Medical Ethics 5 (2):53-56.
    Summarising the interrelationship between law and medical ethics, I would say that in cases which do not touch the patient's body or integrity, such as professional secrecy, statutory law may take precedence over rules of medical ethics. But in cases where the human subject becomes a victim because of domestic statutory laws which are in contradiction with medical ethics, the medical practitioners should insist on adhering to their professional standards in such a way that the legislators will have to adapt (...)
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    Levels of Information Processing in Reading Poetry.Reuven Tsur - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 5 (4):751-759.
    I have based my psychological hypotheses on studies in perception and in personality. Research in these two areas began independently, but by the late forties the supposedly unconnected processes came to be seen as different aspects of one process. For instance, a low tolerance for perceptual ambiguity and cognitive dissonance was found to be significantly correlated with lack of emotional responsiveness, dogmatism, and authoritarianism; conversely, a high tolerance for perceptual ambiguity and cognitive dissonance was found to be significantly correlated with (...)
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  9. Quantum Reality, Relativistic Causality, and Closing the Epistemic Circle.Wayne C. Myrvold & Joy Christian (eds.) - 2009 - Springer.
    Part I Introduction -/- Passion at a Distance (Don Howard) -/- Part II Philosophy, Methodology and History -/- Balancing Necessity and Fallibilism: Charles Sanders Peirce on the Status of Mathematics and its Intersection with the Inquiry into Nature (Ronald Anderson) -/- Newton’s Methodology (William Harper) -/- Whitehead’s Philosophy and Quantum Mechanics (QM): A Tribute to Abner Shimony (Shimon Malin) -/- Bohr and the Photon (John Stachel) -/- Part III Bell’s Theorem and Nonlocality A. Theory -/- Extending the Concept of an (...)
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    Scepticism about Unconscious Perception is the Default Hypothesis.I. Phillips - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (3-4):186-205.
    Berger and Mylopoulos (2019) critique recent scepticism about unconscious perception, focusing on experimental work from Peters and Lau, and theoretical work of my own. Central to their wide-ranging discussion is the claim that unconscious perception occupies a default status within both experimental and folk psychology. Here, I argue to the contrary that a conscious-perception-only model should be our default. Along the way, I offer my own analysis of Peters and Lau's study, assess the folk psychological status of unconscious perception, discuss (...)
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  11. Predicate Logic (with Anaphora).I. I. I. Sem - unknown
    D2.1 (PL models and assignments) i. A PL model is a pair M = 〈DM, ·M〉 such that (a) DM is a non-empty set, and (b) ·M maps each A ∈ Con to AM ∈ DM, and each B ∈ Prdn to BM  (DM)n. ii. GM = {g| g: Var  DM} is the set of M-assignments. For any g ∈ GM, u ∈ Var, d ∈ DM, g[u/d] := (g\{u, g(u)})  {u, d} is the u-to-d alternative to (...)
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  12. Concepts and Society.I. C. Jarvie - 1974 - Mind 83 (331):468-471.
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  13. Ontology and Providence in Creation: Taking Ex Nihilo Seriously.I. T. Robson - 2010 - Ars Disputandi 10.
  14. "Spinoza" von Dimitri Frenkel Frank: ein Ketzer-Brevier zur Aufführung.Dimitri Frenkel Frank & Joachim Johannsen (eds.) - 1984 - [Zürich]: Neue Schauspiel.
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  15. Razvitie predstavleniĭ o t︠s︡li i smysle zhizni v domarksistskoĭ ėtike.Oleg I︠A︡kovlevich Stechin - 1971 - [s.n.],:
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    Is there an ecological ethic?I. I. I. Rolston - 1975 - Ethics 85 (2):93-109.
  17. (1 other version)Four Pragmatists.I. Scheffler - 1975 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 26 (4):343-351.
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  18. Becoming Present: An Inquiry Into the Christian Sense of the Presence of God.I. U. Dalferth - 2008 - Ars Disputandi 8:1566-5399.
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  19.  17
    Love: its forms, dimensions, and paradoxes.İlham Dilman - 1998 - New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press.
    If there is an inherent connection between love and generosity, between love and creativeness, as this book argues there is, then how can love itself be selfish, destructive and tyrannical? Concerned with questions about love in its different forms, this book seeks and discusses the views of writers--Plato, Proust, Sartre, Freud, D. H. Lawrence, Erich Fromm, C. S. Lewis, Kierkegaard, Simone Weil and Kahlil Gibran--who have suggested distinctive solutions to the problems which love poses in the face of its obstacles. (...)
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  20. Introduction.I. Roth - 2007 - In Ilona Roth (ed.), Imaginative Minds. Oup/British Academy. pp. 147.
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  21. An alternative account of bringing about.I. L. Humberstone - forthcoming - Bulletin of the Section of Logic.
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  22. The problem of terminology in the study of student conceptions in science.I. O. Abimbola - 1988 - Science Education 72 (2):175-184.
  23. Istoriko filosofskie ėti︠u︡dy.I. K. Luppol - 1935 - Moskva,: Gos. sot︠s︡ialʹno-ėkon. izd-vo.
    Urielʹ Dakosta.--Filosofskai︠a︡ sistema Spinozy.--Sot︠s︡ialʹnai︠a︡ ėtika Mabli i Morelli.--Zhak Nėzhon i ego ateizm.--K voprosu o politicheskikh vzgli︠a︡dakh Zh.-B. Robinė.--"Sot︠s︡ialʹnai︠a︡ sistema" Golʹbakha i ee russkiĭ perevodchik XVIII v.--Tragedii︠a︡ russkogo materializma XVIII v. (filosofskie vzgli︠a︡dy A. N. Radishcheva).--I. P. Pnin i ego mesto v istorii russkoĭ obshchestvennoĭ mysli.--Filosofskie vzgli︠a︡dy dekabrista I︠A︡kushkina.
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  24. (1 other version)Kategorizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ ėmot︠s︡iĭ v leksiko-semanticheskoĭ sisteme i︠a︡zyka.V. I. Shakhovskiĭ - 1987 - Voronezh: Izd-vo Voronezhskogo universiteta.
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  25. Shakhsiĭ va izhtimoiĭ ḣaëtda ḣalollik va rostgŭĭlik.I︠A︡ Shermu̇hamedov - 1971 - Edited by Turmuliamedov, I︠A︡ & [From Old Catalog].
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    Estʹ li oshibka v formule mira?: besedy doktora Ben I︠A︡mina s uchastiem Vitalii︠a︡ Volkova.Benʹi︠a︡min Shulʹman - 2012 - Moskva: O.G.I..
    Издание содержит: Есть ли ошибка в формуле мира?; Бегство от смысла; Секрет формулы мира - закон притяжения?
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    Subʺektnostʹ kak sot︠s︡iokulʹturnoe i︠a︡vlenie.N. I︠A︡ Bolʹshunova - 2005 - Novosibirsk: Novosibirskiĭ gos. pedagog. universitet.
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  28. Bāshilārīyāt: Ghāstūn Bāshilār bayna dhakāʼ al-ʻilm wa-jamālīyat al-qaṣīdah.Saʻīd Būkhalīṭ - 2009 - al-Rabāṭ: Manshūrāt Fikr.
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    Raschelovechivanie cheloveka v mirovoĭ istorii: istoki i globalʹnye posledstvii︠a︡: psikhoantropologii︠a︡: Monografii︠a︡.V. I. Bukreev - 2011 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo "Nauka".
    Автор предлагает читателю новую психоантропологическую концепцию человеческой агрессии. Анализируя последствие 4000 лет мировой истории, он приходит к выводу, что истоки агрессии заложены в нарастающей мутации души, деформации генофонда. Для специалистов.
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  30. Kurs zekonovi︠e︡di︠e︡nīi︠a︡.Evgenīĭ Nikolaevich Efimov - 1917 - Moskva,:
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  31. Kitaĭskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡: istorii︠a︡ i sovremennostʹ.V. F. Feoktistov & E. V. I︠A︡kimova (eds.) - 2002 - Moskva: Institut Dalʹnego Vostoka RAN.
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  32. Sovremennai︠a︡ kitaĭskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ i zapadnai︠a︡ filosofskai︠a︡ sinologii︠a︡.V. F. Feoktistov & E. V. I︠A︡kimova (eds.) - 2003 - Moskva: Institut Dalʹnego Vostoka RAN.
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    Hra, věda a filosofie: sborník příspěvků.Jiří Nosek (ed.) - 2006 - Praha: Filosofia.
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  34. Values and Virtues.I. M. Nobody - 2017 - In Janet D. Blank-Libra (ed.), Pursuing an ethic of empathy in journalism. New York: Routledge.
  35. Hakchegi pŏnyŏk kyogwasŏ wa chisigindŭl ŭi yŏnghyang kwan'gye : Abe Taijo ŭi "Susillon" ŭl chungsim ŭro.Kim Chŏng-hŭi - 2019 - In Kyŏng-nam Kim (ed.), Chisik ŭi kujo wa Han, Chung, Il chisik chihyŏng pyŏnhwa ŭi t'amsaek. Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Kyŏngjin Ch'ulp'an.
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    Problema sverkhdeterminat︠s︡ii individa v filosofii poststrukturalizma.A. V. Dʹi︠a︡kov - 2005 - Kursk: Kurskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet.
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  37. Il carpe diem di uno stoico.I. Dionigi - 1995 - In Ivano Dionigi (ed.), Protinus vive: colloquio sul De brevitate vitae di Seneca. Bologna: Pàtron.
  38.  12
    Pensament positivista a Catalunya.Xavier Ferré I. Trill - 2007 - Valls: Cossetània Edicions.
    PENSAMENT POSITIVISTA A CATALUNYA és un conjunt d'estudis sobre la recepció al nostre país de les idees culturals, socials, polítiques i científiques del corrent de categories formulades per August Comte i Émile Littré. L'objectiu de l'estudi que es presenta és mostrar el marc històric i institucional —la funció instructora d'ateneus com el Centre de Lectura reusenc— en què es produeix l'evolució de la concepció positivista de la realitat. La recerca se situa en el context contemporani que abocarà a la industrialització (...)
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  39. Raționalitatea științifică în perspectivă disciplinară.Cosmin Georgescu și Mario Georgescu - 1983 - In Angela Botez (ed.), Privire filozofică asupra raționalității științei. București: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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  40. Shulḥan ʻarukh ha-midot: halakhah u-musar.Asi Haleṿi Even Yuli - 2007 - Yerushalayim: Le-haśig, Mishpaḥat Ang'el.
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  41. Torat dine ha-ʻonashin.Gavriʼel Haleṿi - 2009 - Tel Aviv: Bursi.
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  42. Les prémisses ontologiques de la thermodynamique de Prigogine.I. Hanzel - 1989 - Filozofia 44 (4):477-488.
  43. Rorty, language and the philosophy of science.I. Hanzel - 2005 - Filozofia 60 (9):656-667.
    The aim of the paper is to analyze the consequences of R. Rorty’s pragmatic cum linguistic turn for the understanding of natural and human sciences. The author analyzes first this turn and tries to show that it represents an intersubjectivist type of antirealism. Then he deals with Rorty’s approach to hermeneutics and his understanding of its place in natural and human sciences. Finally, he discusses the consequences of Rorty’s intersubjectivist antirealism for human sciences and tries to show that, on one (...)
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  44. Havryïl Kostelʹnyk na tli doby--poshuk istyny.I︠A︡roslav Harasym (ed.) - 2007 - Lʹviv: Graz︠h︡da.
  45. Journals and New Books.I. Woodbridge Riley - 1912 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 9 (9):249.
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  46. Notes and News.I. Woodbridge Riley - 1904 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 1 (11):308.
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  47. Notes and News.I. Woodbridge Riley - 1905 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 2 (17):476.
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  48. Notes and News.I. Woodbridge Riley - 1912 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 9 (9):252.
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  49. Attachment theory.I. Robert - 1996 - Human Nature 7 (1).
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  50. Phonology.I. M. Roca - 2003 - In L. Nadel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
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